PROMOTION - First 7days for free to try it out!

In order to register:

1. Please select one of the programs below, which will take you to a registration page with more info. Once you fill out the form and press submit.
2. You will receive an email giving you details to start your sessions. Remember your first 7 days (two sessions and an individual session) are free. 

All below programs are currently open to wind, brass and string instruments. Rhythm Sections, piano and drums coming soon!

Make Payment below

Intermediate 1A

In cart Not available Out of stock

8 Sessions Tuesdays & Thursdays 11-12pm

Individual 15min check-in appointment available Thursday 12:15-1:15pm

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Advanced 1A

In cart Not available Out of stock

8 Sessions Wednesdays & Fridays 11-12pm

Individual 15min check-in appointments available Friday 1:30-2:30pm

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Intermediate 1B

In cart Not available Out of stock

8 Sessions Tues & Thurs 6-7pm

Individual check-in appointments available Thursday 7-8pm

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Advanced 1B

In cart Not available Out of stock

8 Sessions Mondays & Fridays 6-7pm

Individual 15min check-in appointments available Wednesdays 7-8pm

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